
Level 3 - Coding with Bot and Game Design

$ 140 usd
Tue, Feb 6, 2024, 5:00 PM CST – Tue, May 21, 2024, 6:30 PM CDT
11511 Independence Pkwy , #101 , Frisco , TX - 75035
Level 3 - Coding with Bot and Game Design

Tuesday 5 - 6:30 PM CST

Hands-on experience in programming, electronics, and robotics.

Students will learn programming by solving challenges that resemble real-world problems. Block-based programming takes away so much of the frustration for young coders and leaves more time to focus on understanding concepts. As the students work through problem-solving, they develop valuable debugging skills which will come in handy when they advance to the next levels.

During the second part of this program, students reinforce their programming and creative skills by building 2D games.


Contact us


11511 Independence Pkwy , #101 , Frisco , TX - 75035


  • lower-elementary
  • gearminds-spring
  • Grade 2 - 4